Monthly Archives: July 2011

Cyclosporine Therapy

What is cyclosporine therapy?

Cyclosporine is a medication which is expansively used by doctors and physicians worldwide to help lower the immune system in human body along with achieving numerous other benefits through this medicine….

Cyclosporine ointment for dogs

Cyclosporine Drug Description

General Drug Information and Indications:

Cyclosporine ointment for dogs is used for the treatment of dry eye and Pannus in dogs. In veteran medicine dry eye is known as keratoconjuncitvits or KCS. When…

Cyclosporine and dog diseases

Cyclosporine and dog diseases

Cyclosporine is one of the medicines which treat certain dog diseases which include atopic dermatitis, atopy and canine dermatitis specifically classified under dog skin diseases. Dogs often react to…