Cyclosporine and dog diseases

Cyclosporine and dog diseases

Cyclosporine is one of the medicines which treat certain dog diseases which include atopic dermatitis, atopy and canine dermatitis specifically classified under dog skin diseases. Dogs often react to disease causing allergens differently than people. Canine allergies often show their presence by itch on dog skin, ears and paws that will eventually lead to secondary problems.

Cyclosporine and dog diseases are closely related as this drug is counted among the best ones to cure dog diseases. Canine atopic dermatitis and similar dog diseasesseldom show them themselves in the first two years of dog’s life. Symptoms of dog diseases include rashes, very itchy skin, scratching constantly, rubbing face often and/or frequently licking and chewing on their paws. At times dog allergies will results in sore swollen red ears that are warm and/or successive ear, bacterial and yeast infections might occur. These problems might result in pain and suffering for your dog and possibly be costly to treat. But a minute prevention in the beginning will directly nip in the bud.
Dog atopy is diagnosed using different procedure including, signs such as lice, flea infestation or sarcoptic manage. Food allergies may even cause same skin problems and can co-exist or not from allergies to airborne particles. Many veterinarians usually take food allergy tests first followed by change in diet of your dog. Once diagnosed, these are many dog allergy treatment choices available, including cyclosporine.

Cyclosporine is considered as an immunosuppressant medicine that is usually used indog diseases. Cyclosporine appears to lessen the allergy symptoms by humidify the cell mediated immune reply. The trade name for cyclosporine is Atopica. The therapy for dog disease usually is given every day for around a month after which decreasing it such amount so as to keep the dog comfortable. To get the best effect clients are supposed to give the medication one or two hours after a meal.

Placing common side effects of cyclosporine in the spotlight we have gastrointestinal upsets, vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia. It may even evoke excessive growth of gum also known as gingivitis and as well as warts also known as papillomatosis. While using cyclosporine medication regular dental care is needed. Also those animals having a history of live or kidney problem a caution should be taken.

The cyclosporine medication has a biggest hurdle which is the cost of the medication. Incase of large or hulking breed dogs the cyclosporine drug maybe very expensive to use. Taking the patient in mind, cyclosporine may be given in combination with another drigs like ketoconazole which is commonly used as a treatment of fungal infections.

During the Cyclosporine medication, do not give your dog any other medications without first consulting your veterinarian, mainly because of its cross reaction with many other drugs. Also the medication may take several weeks to months to see the right reaction on your dog. A normal dog will show mediocre and modest improvement in a month and then plateau for the upcoming 2-4 months. If unfortunately the dog allergies are not responding to the medication for around 6 weeks of therapy, try changing the medication because not every dog might respond tocyclosporine.

Your dog will be perfectly cured from dog allergies with the cyclosporine medication. Don’t forget to remain in touch with your veterinarian so as to ensure your pets safety.

More about Cyclosporine for Dogs

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